Provide one-to-one support to girls aged 10-18 who may be struggling with their academics.
Activities: Befriending, Buddying & Mentoringone-to-one support e to newly arrived migrant girls ages 11-19 with their academics
Activities: Befriending, Buddying & Mentoringo provide support on the GEMS programme, which provides after-school clubs for girls aged 5-18
Activities: AdministrationTrained volunteers meet up with child/young person 3/4 hrs per week, 3 times a month for 2 years
Activities: Befriending, Buddying & MentoringTrained volunteers meet up with child/young person 3/4 hrs per week, 3 times a month for 2 years
Activities: Befriending, Buddying & MentoringTrained volunteers meet up with child/young person 3/4 hrs per week, 3 times a month for 2 years
Activities: Befriending, Buddying & MentoringJoin our team to provide one to one mentoring support to young people accessing our service for the ...
Activities: Befriending, buddying and mentoring, Community work, Support work, Youth workStroke Association supports people to rebuild their lives after a stroke. We believe everyone deserv ...
Activities: Marketing, PR & Media, Campaigning & Lobbying, Advice, Information & Support, Community Work, General and HelpingThe role has a specific remit to bring strategic leadership to the fundraising and outreach activiti ...
Activities: Administration, Fundraising, Marketing, PR & Media, Trusteeships & CommitteesOur volunteer coaches help out at our activity sessions to support children with disabilities (our a ...
Activities: Entertainment, Youth Work, Sport & Coaching, Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring