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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


XLP recruits and trains mentors from the local community to be matched with young people. Young people are referred to the programme by schools, pupil referral units, youth services, or the police. Mentors and mentees commit to meeting up for two hours each week for a minimum of 12 months, and an experienced youth worker assigned to each borough supports the mentor, mentee, and the family throughout the process. Mentors are re-imbursed for mentoring costs and invited to training, events and trips.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring
What skills are required for this role
Organising & Planning

Why these skills are required

Working with young people (mentee) to support them to progress.

What is in it for you

Enjoyment, satisfaction, being a role model, self-learning, events, trips, training.

Time Commitment

Weekly or bi-weekly, 1-2 hours. More time when engaging in events or trips.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
18 and over,18+
We Welcome