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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


The Holly Lodge Centre is an education charity based in the beautiful surroundings of Richmond Park. We specialise in providing outstanding workshops for schools and delivering bespoke sensory sessions for children and adults with special educational needs and disabilities. We organise regular successful fundraising events, which contribute towards the cost of running the centre. We are looking for one or two volunteers to join the Holly Lodge Centre Events team. The team plans to organise around six events annually - most of which take place in the evening and all of which have proved to be a huge success in the past. They include: -Bridge bonanza at Pembroke Lodge - January -Wine Tasting at Holly Lodge - June/July -Musical Roots concert and supper at Pembroke Lodge - September -Quiz Night in Kew Halls - October -Christmas Concert at Christchurch Sheen - December We would love to meet anyone who is a people person with organisational and marketing skills - and ideally enjoys networking and has contacts who could help with raffle prizes and increasing the audience for our events. No regular commitment is required; around five to six hours of help is needed at each event and a few more in the month leading up to it. Everything is very informal and flexible and would depend on everyone’s availability. We always welcome new fundraising ideas.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Entertainment,Fundraising,Marketing, PR & Media,Events & Stewarding
What skills are required for this role
Admin, Good IT Skills, Managing People, Organising & Planning

Why these skills are required

-organising events -marketing -networking and building contacts

What is in it for you

The Holly Lodge Centre is located in the heart of Richmond Park. We offer training sessions and events for our volunteers and have tea, coffee and biscuits to refresh and recharge.

Time Commitment

Time commitment varies by event and your specific responsibilities for the event. You are working as part of a volunteer team and you will negotiate time commitments within the team based on your availability. Generally 5-6 hours are required on the day of the event with more required in the weeks prior to the event. You should be able to take on at least 2 events per year, but are welcome to take on more if you can. Events are generally held on weekday evenings.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
18 and over
We Welcome
We welcome anyone with the skills and experience required for the role.