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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


ERTA is looking for a Fund-raiser whose duties include: Liaising with Volunteer Bureaux to explore relevant outlets and apply Apply for grants(including Lottery)via Internet searches Explore Crowdfunding and applications to us(e.g.each study starts at £30,000 and we need them for new and re-opened railways and stations) Taking and assist gathering stock and doing stalls and other sales with our publicity Talking to people and recruiting new members and volunteers. Identify other 'bona fide' fund-raising methods Benefits to the volunteer The volunteer will maintain and develop his/her teamwork/organisational skills - the vacancy could suit people with such skills who are unemployed or unable to work for medical reasons, including disability.Retired people with the relevant skills would also be welcomed.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
What skills are required for this role

Why these skills are required

Managing people,teamwork and planning

What is in it for you

Time Commitment

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
18 and over
We Welcome