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Role Detail


Richmond AID was formed in 1988 with a mission to provide support to disabled people in Richmond and the surrounding areas. This may be a physical disability, learning difficulty, a sight or hearing impairment or a mental health condition. Most people have not heard of Richmond AID until they need us and then find us to be a lifeline. As a user-led organisation Richmond AID’s Trustee board consists of 12 people, 75% having a disability, long-term health condition or being carers of people with disabilities. We currently have three vacancies for anyone with experience of or an interest in disability. A bonus would be any candidate with knowledge of the social model of disability, campaigning, marketing or legal especially employment law skills. As a Trustee of Richmond AID, you help to set the direction of the charity so that it meets its aims, and ensure it operates in the way required by the Charity Commission. You also provide support to the management team on any opportunities or issues that arise that require a decision. So, what does Richmond AID do? We provide a range of services that support disabled people and people with long term health conditions. We work closely with many local organisations. We provide information and advice on a range of areas from housing, health and social care to social and leisure opportunities. We also provide benefits advice, money advice, befriending, counselling and gardening. We run a job club to help adults into work and a buddy service for young people to help them become independent. These services are provided by 4 full time and 15 part-time employees, and over 60 volunteers. On joining our board, you will receive a full induction to our organisation and the role you will play as Trustee. Our board meets eight times a year on a Monday afternoon, and as well as conducting a lot of business, we are a friendly team and have a lot of laughs too. There is the opportunity to join one of our sub-committees – Finance (meets eight times a year on Friday mornings), Quality (meets four times a year on Wednesday mornings), Policies and procedures (operates a bi-annual review cycle). All meetings are currently remote and online but the usual location is in the Disability Action and Advice Centre at 4 Waldegrave Road Teddington TW11 8HT. If you join the board of Richmond AID you can be confident that you’ll be doing something positive to help some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the area and will feel the warm glow that comes from this work!

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Trusteeships & Committees
What skills are required for this role
Basic IT skills - internet & email

Why these skills are required

What is in it for you

Time Commitment

We have trustee meetings every 6 weeks and quarterly sub-committee meetings

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
18 and over
We Welcome
Disabled candidates.