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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


HCEO is a vibrant, welcoming Centre for older people in Hackney offering a whole range of social & cultural activities, exercise classes, a dementia memory wellbeing group and advocacy support. HCEO has a committed team of volunteers to assist us in providing high quality services, but as demand for our services grow, we are looking for more help to cover the following: - morning welcome - greeting the members as they arrive, checking them in and getting them settled - befriending - spending time with the members during the day, chatting and checking on them - lunch service support - helping to set up tables, serving refreshments and lunch to members and clearing up. - kitchen support - helping in the kitchen, which could include assisting in the preparation of lunch and the washing up after. - activity support - assisting with activities including arts & crafts, music & movement, games, quizzes.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Entertainment,Music,Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring,Caring,Catering,Community Work,General and Helping
What skills are required for this role

Why these skills are required

Essential Skills - an understanding of the needs and issues facing older people - a patient, empathetic and thoughtful approach - good verbal communication skills and the ability to listen - an understanding of appropriate personal and professional conduct - an understanding of safety in the work place Desirable skills - Experience working or volunteering alongside older people - Experience working or volunteering with groups of people in organised activities - Experience working in an environment where meals are served

What is in it for you

HCEO offers relevant training to its volunteers as required, there is a management and support structure in place to help volunteers learn and develop within their role and we provide references or testimonials. We also cover travel expenses and provide lunch.

Time Commitment

Approx 3 hours per week for a minimum of 3 months

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome