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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


Travel Hands is a service designed to ease the outdoor commute of visually impaired people (VIP) by pairing them with sighted & verified volunteers to walk together to similar destinations ensuring a safe, convenient, and inexpensive travel experience. A VIP can submit a trip request that is automatically sent to a volunteer near them, alerting the volunteer to their location. The accepting volunteer will then come and pick the VIP up and walk towards the requested destination. You get to participate in the most flexible volunteering experience that enables you to help whenever you want based on your flexibility. It is an opportunity to breathe fresh air, walk some more steps in the day, relax and make new friends in your area. Responsibilities and expectations: - Ability to empathize with problems by VIP and acknowledge the mission of the company. - Good time management skills - Being able to schedule walks with VIPs and arrive at the meeting point on time - Committed & Reliable. - Compassionate - Patient -Trustworthy -Good Listener (we would appreciate it if our volunteers can have interesting chats with VIPs whilst on journeys).

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring
What skills are required for this role
Organising & Planning

Why these skills are required

- Ability to empathize with problems by VIP and acknowledge the mission of the company. - Good time management skills - Being able to schedule walks with VIPs and arrive at the meeting point on time - Committed & Reliable. - Compassionate - Patient -Trustworthy -Good Listener (we would appreciate it if our volunteers can have interesting chats with VIPs whilst on journeys).

What is in it for you

Emotionally supporting VIP and increasing volunteers’ friend circle: Travel Hands benefits volunteers and VIP by encouraging them to be physically active, improving social interactions to avoid loneliness, and increasing awareness of disability by creating empathetic short stories. Providing an additional means for young VIP to explore their lives and not be excluded from social activities. Young volunteers learn to empathise with VIP and appreciate the challenges faced by people with disabilities.

Time Commitment

Flexible timing to assist VIPs. You can put your availability on our mobile application.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome
Visually Impaired People (VIP)