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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


The Food Foundation works with a diverse group of food activists from across the UK, campaigning both in their own communities and on a national level for the right of all people to be able to access healthy and affordable food. Our Food Ambassadors have lived or living experience of food insecurity. As experts by experience they use their voices to increase the power of our policy asks, bringing light to the real lives behind research and data. The Food Ambassador volunteer programme is open to all people with lived experience of food insecurity aged 14 years and up. We currently work with secondary school students, parents and grandparents, students and young working adults. As part of the Food Ambassador volunteer programme, ambassadors attend events and summits, meet with policymakers, and undertake media interviews. While much of the role can be done in your own community (or even your home), some travel may be needed. We will reimburse travel and subsistence expenses to volunteers in line with our Expenses Policy. We work closely with each ambassador, providing support and training opportunities to aid them in their roles as food activists. We also link ambassadors with other organisations to partake in research and focus groups. The role is completely voluntary and very flexible, but we ask for a minimum commitment of 2 years.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Campaigning & Lobbying
What skills are required for this role
Language Skills, Negotiating, Organising & Planning, Research

Why these skills are required


What is in it for you

- Opportunities to speak directly to people in positions of power who can enact change (i.e. parliamentarians) and to take part in national advocacy campaigns - Space, tools and support to develop campaigns at a local level - Training and support with skills development (such as media interview skills and facilitation skills) - Participation in research projects which aim to improve the food system - The chance to meet other like-minded campaigners from across the UK

Time Commitment

Flexible – we share opportunities as they arise and Food Ambassadors can choose if they want to take part in them.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome
We are open to all people and will make reasonable adjustments where possible.