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Get in touch Print Opportunity

Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


We are looking for a small team of enthusiastic individuals to support and mentor young volunteers with special educational needs and disabilities (aged 16+). This role will be part of a community of mentors who will support young people to engage visitors to the Museum with objects from the handling collection and will be fully supported by training provided by Museum staff. The Young Object Handling Volunteer programme (YOHV) is a supported volunteer opportunity for young people with additional needs to develop their confidence, develop customer care skills and build experience within a workplace environment (which is often very hard to find).

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Advice, Information & Support,Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring
What skills are required for this role

Why these skills are required

• Enthusiasm for working with young people with special educational needs and disabilities (aged 16+). • Confident talking with visitors and with strong communication skills • A friendly approach • Ability to work independently and with initiative

What is in it for you

• Discounts in our shops and restaurants • Travel can be reimbursed up to a limit of £12 per return journey (conditions apply). Please note we are unable to provide parking facilities. • Complimentary tickets and free entry to all of our sites • Social events with other volunteers and staff

Time Commitment

YOHV’s usually volunteer for an hour on site. However, dates and times vary according to the individual young person. As you will be mentoring young people with special educational needs and disabilities, we are looking for mentors who are committed to volunteering for a minimum of 3 months. This ensures stability for the young volunteer/s who will be paired with you.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome