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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


1. Assist the CET staff with all relevant health and safety procedures and practices including risk assessment prior to visits and on the day, managing individual safety in the group and alerting the group leader to any issues or concerns you may have. 2. Interacting with the visitors to ensure they are comfortable and relaxed and relaying any concerns, feedback, or issues to the group leader. 3. Support the CET staff with physically active group activities. 4. Assist with promoting CET and our activities. This can include taking photos during events, gathering feedback after events or contributing to our social media accounts and our website. 5. Complete any other task reasonably requested by CET staff.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Environmental,Events & Stewarding,Support Work
What skills are required for this role

Why these skills are required

• Interest in the natural environment • Enthusiasm for the role and a genuine interest in our charity, Creekside Education Trust • Willingness to work as part of a supportive team • Weekend (primarily Sunday) availability

What is in it for you

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about their local natural environment and connecting with the wildlife around them. You will gain knowledge of the ecology, history and geography of the local area and interact with our visitors on a regular basis. Volunteering sessions last around 3 hours and mostly take place on Sunday though there are some on occasional Saturdays and weekday evenings. Volunteers should be able to commit to a minimum of 1 day volunteering per month.

Time Commitment

Minimum of 1 day volunteering per month. Sessions last around 3 hours.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome
CET is an equal opportunities employer and will not discriminate. This role is active and practical. We do not wish to discriminate against those less mobile and we aim to be a fully inclusive organisation. However, given the nature of this volunteering post, if you do have mobility issues please contact us directly to find out more about the role. We will aim to adjust the role where possible, and we may have other opportunities which are more accessible.