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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


APCMH clubs primarily supportive of people with enduring mental health needs and do not need a referral. The Women's Group take place every Friday from 12noon to 2pm, volunteers are on a rota and do 1 two hour sessions once a month initially. Tea/coffee and biscuits are served at the clubs. There are no formal activities although some members play board games and do arts and crafts. The primary purpose of the clubs is to provide an environment where people can feel safe and companionship with each other and the volunteers. You will need to be available for 15 minutes before and after each session, help with lunch, drinks and cleaning up, work once a month on a rota, mingle with club members and be available to as a listening ear. To treat what is said as confidential and within the confidentiality policy of APCMH, assist the team to deal with any difficult situation and share risk assessments. Work within health and safety guidelines and report any issues to the co-ordinator.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Befriending, buddying and mentoring,Caring,Community work,Support work
What skills are required for this role
Art & Craft, Admin, Organising & Planning, Teamwork

Why these skills are required

-Ability to communicate and be a good listener -Reliability -Friendly outgoing manner -Empathy and sensitivity -Patience -Tolerance and non-judgemental attitude -A sense of humour -Ability to volunteer as part of a team

What is in it for you

Relevant skills such will be aquired during this role, useful in mental health.Interpersonal skills- improve communication, listening, speaking to group, giving feedback improved social skills, playing board games etc, practical-setting up and cleaning away, providing refreshments working as part of a team, organising. Five weeks training, volunteer support meetings, support from project coordinator and vice chair as required. Understanding of Spirituality and mental health. Understanding of ethos of APCMH working with people from different faiths, living with mental health issues Opportunities to take part in in other APCMH activities e.g. with APCMH stalls at different events, with different partner organisations, other training. After 6 months reference can be given.

Time Commitment

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome
Relevant for employee volunteers, long-term commitment, short-term commitment, Over 18's, People seeking employment, University students