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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


Refugees at Home connects people with a spare room to refugees and people seeking asylum in need of somewhere to stay. We don’t think people who come to the UK for sanctuary should end up on the streets. Our vision is for every refugee and every person seeking asylum to have a safe place to stay. We recruit and support volunteer hosts who are willing to offer a temporary home and a helping hand. We carefully assess each guest and host, match according to preferences, advise on hosting arrangements and preparations, and provide ongoing support to hosts throughout the placement.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
What skills are required for this role

Why these skills are required

Anyone with a spare room, or even a sofa bed, in cities and towns that are well connected and have good public transport systems can apply to host. There are no specific skills required! This role is open to anyone with a spare room in their home (or a sofa bed for a shorter stay) in cities and towns that have good public transport links, and the ability to welcome a refugee in need into their homes. Additional information, preparation and support will be given about the role before starting. All guests, hosts and households are different and there is no magic ingredient to a successful placement. In our experience, empathy, courtesy, common sense, and good communication go a long way to making sure that guests and hosts get the most benefit from a placement.

What is in it for you

- It is a practical way of helping a refugee or person seeking asylum and supporting them on their journey to more secure accommodation. - By opening their homes and welcoming guests from all nationalities, our amazing hosts are spreading hope and solidarity with refugees across the UK. - Opportunity to be on a national network of hosts, ready to help when needed.

Time Commitment

Hosts decide how long they are willing to host for. Hosting can vary from a few nights to several months and anything in between.

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
18 - 25,18+
We Welcome