Telephone Befriending
Carers First
Our Telephone Befriending volunteers are matched up with a carer who they call regularly for a chat. This provides the carer with a much-needed opportunity to offload about their caring role or to chat about something completely different.
We have been providing a telephone befriending service to carers for many years, and it is a much valued service. You will be matched with a carer who feels isolated as a result of their caring role. The role consists of: • ringing the carer once a week • giving the carer your undivided attention, being a listening ear • offering emotional support and making the carer feel valued. • Giving us some brief feedback about your call • Getting in touch promptly if you have any worries or concerns about the carer This role will suit people who: • Enjoy talking to people. • Are good listeners. • Want to improve their listening and communication skills. • Are friendly and warm.
Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring,Support Work
Basic IT skills - internet & email
Communication skills, talking and listening to carers.
Volunteers can gain experience & skills, knowledge and understanding of carers and their needs. Gain training, social contact, personal development and references for future employment .
One to two hours per week
Work from home.