Mentors for Young People (BR5)
Bromley Education Business Partnership
We are looking for volunteers (18 yrs+) to act as mentors to young people, including disengaged or excluded pupils, youth offenders, care leavers and young carers. You would bring an ability to encourage, motivate, listen and to be objective.
Could you motivate, encourage, be non-judgemental? Would you have time, and the ability to be objective and supportive? Do you see yourself as a role model? Then you should be a mentor! We are looking for volunteers (18yrs+) to act as mentors to young people, including disengaged or excluded pupils, care leavers and young carers etc. Mentors are adults from the local or business community who spend time talking to young people with the aim of motivating and encouraging them. Our programme includes schemes for: disengaged pupils, young carers, young people in care or leaving care and Bromley Youth Offending Service. Mentor sessions for most programmes take place during the school day, but for some programmes, sessions will be evenings/weekends.The time requirement is usually one hour a week, and we prefer people who are able to give a year's commitment. We provide a one day mandatory training that takes place at Bromley EBP’s offices at Masons Hill, Bromley.
Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring,Youth Activities
Life experience/skills such as - An ability to encourage and motivate - Ability to listen and be objective/non-judgemental - Good communication skills and an interest in working with young people. Must be 18 years or older
Meetings for school-based programmes take place in a school or community setting. For other programmes, meetings take place at a venue agreed in advance with the mentor/young person and co-ordinator.