Independent Visitor (Mentor/Befriender) for Young People in Care in Croydon & South London
Croydon Independent Visitor Service
Befriend and support a child and young people who are looked after by the local authority.
Become an Independent Visitor to be matched one to one with a young person in care in Croydon/South London. You will meet once or twice a month to take them out to do fun activities together. This is an opportunity for our young people to develop a healthy relationship with a trusted adult, have fun and share their worries and feelings if they are ready to do so. Please note this is NOT a paid role! Although we do reimburse you for any travel and expenses within agreed budget, we cannot offer compensation!
Befriending, buddying and mentoring
Organising & Planning
You do not need any specific qualifications, experience or background to be an independent visitor. You just need to be positive, committed and willing to learn. Be creative, use your experience and skills to offer caring support to develop their feelings of being connected and cared for and to start learning what healthy friendships are. All of our young people are different and we will support you to make a huge difference in their lives and their future.
Volunteers can make a real difference to a young person by sharing a hobby, sport or interest. They can help with school or college work or help a young person learn about their own or other people's culture. No volunteer should be out of pocket for anything they do as part of their role as an independent visitor. We pay volunteers allowances for agreed activities and transport costs. We offer training, ongoing support and expenses for our volunteers so they can focus on the young person. All independent visitors have regular one to one support including reviews of the volunteer role. Once matched, You will be assigned a Volunteer Co -ordinator who will support you with any questions or concerns you may have on an ongoing basis. We will also support you to access further training to help in your IV role. The training includes sessions on: children's rights, safeguarding children, the role of an Independent Visitor, communication, confidentiality, Children's Services procedures, issues facing looked after children, and managing children's behaviour.
We ask for volunteers to commit to a young person for a minimum of 12 months. Independent Visitors meet their young person every 2 -3 weeks for a few hours.
Independent Visitor Service is based: Bernard Weatherill House, 4th Floor 8 Mint Walk Croydon, CR0 1EA Volunteers will engage in activities with children and young people in the community within Croydon and surrounding areas of London.
East/West Croydon Station. Croydon Library Bus Stop