Duffus Community Foundation
This is exciting opportunity for someone to provide Fundraising Support for a relatively small charity, making the role your own. The role will include finding different funding opportunities, organising fundraising events such as quiz nights, engaging supporters to fundraise for DCF and setting up fundraising campaigns. Tasks can be completed remotely and fit around your lifestyle.
This is exciting opportunity for someone to provide Fundraising Support for a relatively small charity, making the role your own. Main Responsibilities: • Finding different opportunities for fundraising • Organising DCF fundraising events such as quiz nights in the local area • Engaging supporters to fundraise for DCF e.g. leading own sponsored events • Setting up fundraising campaigns • Exploring national options such as taking part in marathons • Exploring funding/grant opportunities Time commitment: • 2-4 hours per week (this can be flexible depending on your commitments and fundraising events) • Tasks can be completed remotely and fit around your lifestyle _______ If interested in this role please contact: Rebecca Duffus on quoting that you found out about it through Volunteer Centre Sutton.
Administration,Fundraising,Business, Management & Research,Marketing, PR & Media
Admin, Basic IT skills - internet & email, Good IT Skills, Organising & Planning
Type of person we are looking for: • Excellent communication and organisation skills • Experience of organising small-scale events including promotion (posters, communications, logistics etc.) • Computer literate • Confident and competent in working with a variety of people • Passionate about making a difference for DCF in the charity world • Innovative – finding new ways of raising funds • Able to take initiative and work self-sufficiently • Knowledge of social media tools such as Facebook (not essential)
Benefits from the role: • Make a positive difference to a small charity and to young people's wellbeing • Be part of a friendly team • Potential development opportunities • Personal Job Development Training • Opportunities to do different jobs/roles within the Charity
2-4 hours per week (can be flexible). Hours specified below can be those that suit you - any time of day.
Working from home - tasks can be completed remotely but there will be opportunities to meet the wider team at induction, training and team-building events.