Healthwatch Richmond Trustees
Healthwatch Richmond
Could you help us to make health or social care better for our community? We are the independent watchdog for NHS & Social Care Services in Richmond. Our role is exciting and our success is built on the support that our Trustees give us to ensure that we're working effectively.
Healthwatch Richmond is the independent watchdog for NHS & Social Care Services. We are a powerful organisation that ensures people's experiences are at the heart of the way that the NHS and social care services are planned and run. Our Trustees have ultimate responsibility for Healthwatch Richmond, for ensuring that we are well run and that we deliver for our community. Trustees sit on our Trustee Board which meets at least 6 times a year and usually get involved in some of our activities, or the Audit Committee (which meets 4 times a year) as well as taking part in focussed task and finish groups from time to time. As a group, Trustees are responsible for and control: - our strategy and policy - the management of our effectiveness and ongoing success - our financial controls and information management - risk identification and management - ensure the good governance of the charity. Trustees are also encouraged to take part in the wider work of the organisation.
Advice, Information & Support,Community Work,Finance & Accountancy,Business, Management & Research,Marketing, PR & Media,Trusteeships & Committees
We're looking for people with an interest in Richmond and the NHS or social care and welcome applications from people with lived experience as patients, service users, carers or as a professionals. You don't need to have been a Trustee or to have served on Boards before. Knowledge and/or lived experience in any of the following areas is valuable: • Experience of using NHS or social care in the London Borough of Richmond or caring for a child or adult who has • An understanding of how the NHS and social care work (although support will be offered) • An understanding Setting objectives, targets, monitoring and evaluating performance in public and not-for-profit organisations • Communications, public relations, marketing or campaigning • Engagement or research methods • Recruitment, motivation, and management of staff and volunteers and employment legislation Trustees should also have these qualities: • A commitment to selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership • Good, independent judgement, objectivity and impartiality • Excellent communication skills and the ability to contribute actively to discussion and debate • An ability to think creatively and criticise constructively • An ability to work as a member of a team, while contributing an independent perspective • A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to being an effective Trustee
Healthwatch is a high profile and impactful organisation working with NHS and Council professionals at a high level. As well as being a fun and rewarding role you'll help to improve care for your community, and benefit from significant career development experience and the opportunity for personal development.
82, Hampton Road, Twickenham