Are you someone, or do you know anyone else, that is good at repairing either electronics & electricals or clothes and has a sewing machine? If so, we’d LOVE to hear from you/them, and if not, could you please share this with your local networks? The Sustainable Thornton Heath community group is establishing ‘Sustainable Living Hubs’ on a pop-up basis in Thornton Heath that are expected to take place on the last Saturday afternoon of every month. We need local repair heroes that are interested in joining this growing community of ‘fixers’ in the UK and beyond, who are sharing their time and skills to help people in their communities as well as our precious environment, by extending the life of our electronics & electricals and clothes, etc. 1) People who can fix electrical/electronic items - no qualifications needed, just the ability to fix stuff (at least 3 more people). 2) Someone who is well-organised and good with people to be front-of-house (the 'host') for the electrical & electronic repairs (1 or 2 people).
Skills & attributes: good at fixing electronics &/ electricals, or at fixing clothes with a sewing machine that you are willing to bring along to the hubs
What's in it for you? Feel good factor from helping people in the Thornton Heath area and around, and from successfully fixing something. All fixes will be celebrated by the ringing of a bell and a round of applause for the fixer involved. All volunteers will also be plied with free hot drinks and vegan biscuits! There will be lots of volunteers and we expect a really nice, upbeat and fun vibe to the hubs!