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Role Details

See below the details for the role.

Role Detail


Crossroads Care South East London run a Volunteer Befriending Service which is aimed at isolated older people. By becoming a Volunteer Befriender you will help to reduce someone's social isolation and improve their health and well -being by providing social contact , emotional and pratical support. Enabling a better quality of life by reducing the risk of requiring statutory services therefore reducing the risk of hospitalisation or loss of independent living. You will be involved in supporting someone to access community opportunities in sports, leisure, culture, faith and education. We are looking for people who are willing to be trained and supported to become Volunteer Befrienders to enable us to deliver this local service.

Support you will receive

Activities you will be doing
Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring
What skills are required for this role

Why these skills are required

You will be involved in supporting someone to access community opportunities in sports, leisure,culture, faith and education

What is in it for you

Time Commitment

Application Process
Role Type
Suitable For
We Welcome